Monday, November 30, 2020

Is Flutter The Future Of Mobile App Development?

 Technology is evolving and we witness this every single day with the exposure of new innovative technology in the market. But nowadays, customer attention seeker is mobile app development whether its mobile app development company or businesses looking to develop a mobile application for them. To serve the mobile app development requirement, there are numerous programming tools available in the market. The one becoming popular and adopted more is Flutter. Let us discuss Flutter in detail.


app development illustration


What is Flutter?

Flutter is created by Google. This is an open-source UI software development kit and used for cross-platform Mobile App Development. It means the application developed using Flutter can be run on the different operating systems including Android, iOS, Linux, Mac, Windows, Google Fuchsia, and the web using a single codebase. 

Flutter was introduced in 2015 as a beta version named “Sky”. However, Google with time work on Flutter improvement by resolving issues occurred during Mobile App Development. In 2018, Google released a Flutter stable version named Flutter 1.0 introduced at the Flutter Live event. After that, it started gaining popularity in Mobile App Development.

In 2019, the Flutter released its latest version of Flutter 1.12, this was Google’s biggest release of the year. This version was released by resolving 5303 issues, and 5970 Pull requests from around 484 contributors around the world. 

While on 6th May 2020, Flutter 1.17 version was released, in this version Metal API was added, iOS device performance improved, new material widgets and network tracking tools also added. 

Flutter code is written in the Dart programming language. Let’s have a brief introduction to Dart.         


What is Dart?

Dart is a programming language created by Google. Dart used to develop a mobile app, web servers, and also utilities for IoT devices. In the latest version of Flutter 1.17, the Dart programming language has been updated from Dart 2.7 to Dart 2.8. The updated Dart offers an extra advantage.

The code written in Dart language compiled using Javascript. Writing code in Dart is quite similar to writing code in Java and c#.


Flutter Working

The Flutter app development is all about a combination of widgets. It provides different types of widgets like structure, styling, layout, and others. Using these widgets, one can easily craft a UI of a mobile app. Flutter doesn’t face any issue while complaining about the programming language to other platforms using Javascript. Flutter comes with a reactive style view and employs Dart for writing apps that’s why it doesn’t face issues.  

Dart automatically compiles ahead of time into native code for different platforms without using the Javascript bridge. This scaled up the app startup time automatically to the next level.   

Flutter is the only cross-platform mobile app development that comes with a reactive view. This attracts a number of developers towards Flutter.  


Why Flutter is best from other cross-platform frameworks?

Flutter’s outstanding features make it unique from other cross-platform mobile application frameworks. The flutter feature includes:

Single Code

Flutter code is written once and that can be used for app development on both Android and iOS platforms. 

Hot Reload

This feature allows you to see instant results of changes made in code. This improves the performance of the application. There is no need to reload the app because changes happen in real-time.


Flutter has a wide range of widgets to create UI/UX views. You can also create your own widgets according to your needs and you can save it for further use. 

High Performance

Flutter is the best to run your application as compared to other cross-platform mobile app frameworks. It uses Dart programming language that enables applications to offer native performance with a speed of 60 FPS.


Flutter App Development Benefits

Flutter App is beneficial for business owners in many ways:

Consume Less Time

Flutter uses a single codebase for both platforms iOS and Android. This results in less consumption of time and resources throughout the development process. 

High Performance

Mobile Apps developed using the Flutter framework is highly efficient in performance. Flutter uses Dart as a programming language and has its own widgets that enable fast start-up time and lesser performance issues.

Lower Development Time

The hot reload feature made an instant view of changes made in code. If any error occurs that can be resolved in no time and the developer can keep on working. 


Flutter applications are compatible with different platforms. It also supports different versions of OS. the use of its own widgets lesser the compatibility issue.

Open Source

Flutter is an open-source framework that allows developers around the globe to help each other.

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Future of Flutter in Mobile App Development

According to my view, Flutter has a bright future and can achieve greater heights in the coming future. Flutter recently witnessed the launch of its latest version Flutter 1.12 with improvement. The latest version helps to build an amazing UX/UX view and high app performance, The time and resources used also reduce. Flutter will grow amazingly in the upcoming future with its many new versions like Flutter 1.13 and 1.14.

Friday, November 6, 2020

Healthcare App Development: Everything You Need To Know


As says health is your wealth. So, are you interested in developing an application for healthcare? Or do you want to resolve some issues in the healthcare industry?

Then you are thinking right; this is the best time for healthcare app development. The Covid-19 outbreak has made us realize that the global healthcare system needs to make some important adjustments to adapt to some new realities. It is important to monitor health conditions and visit doctors timely due to this situation it is hard to visit the doctor and have a checkup. Mobile apps help people to cope up with this.  According to Statista research, the digital health market is expected to cost $206 billion by 2020.

Mobile health applications allow patients to connect with healthcare providers and staff more quickly. Apps designed for a mobile phone or tablet also allow the user to access information when and where they need it, reduce time wastage searching for data, and boosting engagement rate.


Some mHealth apps stats

54% of patients have shown interest in the change from regular office appointments towards mobile interaction.

⅓ of people have used apps so, they can communicate with their doctors in real-time.

62% of people are not comfortable sharing their personal information with healthcare providers because of information misplacing.


Steps of Healthcare Mobile App Development Services


Choose the best technological partner among healthcare Software Development Companies

When selecting the Best Healthcare App Development Company USA, consider previous products, client reviews, and company tech expertise. So, you can select the best one for your app development.

Create a rough estimation of medical app development

Decide the features and functionalities required on your app based on that create a rough estimation cost of developing healthcare app development.

Start the development with the inception phase

Clarify more details about your app by creating user stories, mockups, and wireframes.

Start developing the Healthcare App

After the inception phase starts developing and designing your healthcare app. 


Features of Healthcare App Development


The Healthcare App Development process consists of UI/UX design creation, app development, back end development, quality assurance, and maintenance. Here is the list of common features that can be included in the application.


This helps to monitor the patient’s blood pressure, heart rate, calorie consumption, and glucose level.


This helps to book an appointment with a healthcare specialist easily. So, patients don’t have to stand in a queue. 


Payment features help the user to pay for healthcare services or insurance. 

Social Integration

This feature helps the user to share their personal information with third party services.

Real-time chat

This function gives the ability for patients to chat with the doctor and make trustworthy relationships between users and healthcare providers.


This feature gives the ability for patients to share their experience with a doctor and help other patients make the decision. 


This feature gives notification about appointments with doctors, test results. 

Data Security

In this feature data shared by users secured properly. So, no one can access that information. 

Online Reports

All the test reports are piled up in one place so one can easily check their reports.


Type of Healthcare Apps

All healthcare apps can be divided into two categories such as professional health care app and healthcare apps for patients.

Professional Healthcare App

Healthcare reference and database apps

These apps used to keep all information regarding diseases, drugs, and prescriptions in one place.

Networking apps

These are social networking apps where all healthcare providers can contact, interact, exchange knowledge, and grow their professional community.

Patient health tracking apps

This helps the doctor monitor the health of their patient throughout the treatment process. All test result reports and other documents are listed here.

Risk assessment apps

This allows patient health condition monitoring in real-time, track heart rate, and identify patients at risk.

Barcode scanning apps

These apps allow scanning a patient’s electronic health record, medication barcodes using a built-in camera in their mobile devices.

Medication apps

These apps are used by physicians to calculate the patient doses of medicine based on the patient’s age, weight, and other personal info.


Healthcare Apps for Patients

Telemedicine apps

Through these apps, patients can receive treatment and consultation from medical specialists without leaving their office or home.    

Fitness apps

These apps users keep fit by tracking their daily activity, weight, a number of calories burned, list of workout programs and can integrate with wearable devices. 

Diet apps

These apps include a large library with food and nutrition, calorie counter, diary and meals, and a progress chart. 


Benefits of Healthcare app


Improve Efficiency

Productivity will be increased since the workflow is improved as services will be digitalized and some routine processes will be automated. This will help the doctor by replacing a pile of the document. 

Numerous Feature

According to the app type, patients can check lab results, consult with doctors through chat, monitor their nutrition, track medication, and so on. Healthcare apps include many functionalities and developers can integrate everything you need.

No Distance Worry

How far a patient or physician is they can easily communicate with each other. Remote medical care will also be available. 

Cost Reduction

As patients can chat with doctors without visiting them, it reduces expenses and overall costing. Healthcare apps don’t need too much administrative work.

Anytime Access

Patients can consult with a doctor anytime they need it without thinking about day or night. Patients can find answers to all their questions using the app. 


Doctors can communicate with patients directly through the app furthermore this saves the time of doctors and patients. Both can find the required information they need in the software.

Mobile App Development empowers medical app developers to rapidly take into account healing crises and also enhance patient administration. From recommending solutions and viewing reports to following and checking suggestions, these applications assist experts to analyze, treat, and screen a number of diseases. Don’t hesitate to contact us and develop your future project.

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Why React Native Trending in 2020?


Mobile App has been enlarging from the last few years. More than 70% of websites have been converted into mobile applications. But do you ever think about why mobile applications are so important these days? This is because mobile nowadays is considered a basic need of the generation. These applications play an important role in the vital role of mobile phones in our lives. 

There are millions of mobile apps available on the Google play store and Apple store. How we select the best application for ourselves? This fully depends on the need, but the major factors we see before choosing any mobile application are design, performance, speed, security, and many more factors. 

Mobile application technology started with a single technology ie. Native App Development. This allows developers to develop an application for different platforms iOS and Android. But it causes some problems and to resolve them cross-platform was introduced to developers. This new innovation took mobile technology to the next level. 

React Native is one of the best cross-platform app development technologies used successfully by many organizations across the world.  


Let’s start with some basic points of React Native

What is React Native?

React Native is an open-source mobile application framework developed by Facebook. React Native has an MIT License. This is a Javascript-based framework used to develop hybrid Mobile Application Development for Android, IOS, Web, and UWP.

How much React Native takes time for development?

React Native code is written once and runs on multiple platforms. It takes approx 50% less time than Native to develop an application.

Building an app in React Native expensive?

React Native is the best choice when you want to build your application on both Android and iOS. It saves money from hiring two different developers and also makes the launch quicker.

Does React Native give the same performance as Native Applications?

React Native applications provide better performance than the native application. There are some advanced features present that help in lessening the load time and also make performance faster.  

How React Native saves the launching time?

More than 90% of the code is shared between iOS and Android that means developers don’t need to write code differently. This saves development time. This helps in the quick launch of the application in the market.

You can even integrate your current native application with React Native.


Benefits of React Native App Development

Code Reusability

React Native code can be reused for both platforms iOS and Android. As React Native is an open-source library this means its code can be reused according to the needs. This saves time and cost. The best benefit is that the same code is used for web applications also. This lessens the development time and increases launch time.  

UI Wide Range

React Native is an open-source and free cross-platform app development framework; developers from across the globe can share their design and code in the community. The code can be reused and customized by anyone. The users have numerous UI designs to choose from. React Native offers numerous creative and responsive designs with less loading time.


React Native is known for the data binding process. This increases the reliability of the application. This only provides the updating of specific components and if any update is required modification will be done first and then the updating process.

Plugins Support

React Native also supports the third-party plugins as it includes the native modules and Javascript module. A large number of third party plugins can be used without any trouble. There are a lot of options for the user to make their application user friendly and feature-rich.            



React Native saves time and is also cost-effective. This has vast options for designs and this is used to maintain user attention to the applications. React native has taken Mobile App Technology to the next level.

Monday, September 28, 2020

Looking for an Awesome Mobile App Development Company in The USA


Mobile phones were previously used for the common purpose, but with an evolving era, they are used for creating text, voice, image, and video communication. You can even use mobile phones to view movies, listen to songs, access the internet, play games, GPS tracking, and many more things. Users can respond to the barcode using the phone. 

Growing mobile technology leads to the development of mobile applications beneficial for both customer expansion and innovation. Mobile Apps have made its expansion in the field of socio-economic growth, entertainment, communication, social events, education, etc. 

These mobile apps are either pre-installed on the mobile phone or installed as web-based apps through client-side and server-side processing. By 2019, approx 1.5 million people are using tablets whereas around 3 billion-plus people are using mobile phones. Today we will discuss how you can Choose the Best Mobile App Development Company in the USA for turning your app idea to a beautiful reality.  

How Mobile App Development Can be Beneficial

Mobile applications can serve a variety of options to the user such as giving information on user accounts, booking form, price, and many more features. This mobile application also helps businesses by providing them detailed information. Mobile apps even establish push notification for direct interaction.       

Mobile apps help to increase client satisfaction as they feel more closer to the business. Frequent updates and troubleshooting make them they are being cared for. This will in turn increase the business profit.        

Businesses can not be profited if their end users are unable to contact them and ask them about their queries. With the help of mobile apps, users can ask about their problems as this establishes an easy connection between business and users. 

The mobile apps have authorized various modern devices such as smartwatches, smart rings, etc. Mobile apps help to operate these tools and also cover the path for future enhancement. 

Properly optimized apps have more downloads this attracts more traffic and even helps to get backlinks from high authority pages. 

How to Choose Best Mobile App Development Company in the USA

Having a mobile app idea is hard but choosing a Mobile App Development Company or hire a developer is harder. Here are the few points you should keep in mind when looking development company in the USA:

Firstly you should think about the challenges you can face while developing the idea. According to that search for in house team or outsourcing one. The in-house team can give you good communication but the outsourcing team can give a good talent pool.  

After setting goals, search for the Best Outsourcing Organization in India, UK, North America as these are the popular outsourcing destinations. 

Lastly, contact them to ask about their previous projects, share your ideas, and make your idea true. 

You should also look for client review by scanning their testimonials and B2B directories. This helps to look at how reliable, responsive, result-oriented the organization is. 

You can even look at their portfolio section for a better understanding and service page for specific requirements. 


It becomes very easy to engage end-users and clients when you know their browsing habits. New opportunities also lead to new challenges in creating mobile-friendly apps for end-users ensuring their functionality on cross-platform and maintaining sync with new innovation. 

While choosing a Mobile App Development Company in the California you should know your chosen expertise in all operating platforms. Mobile App Development is very important for all companies who wish to have massive growth in mobile technology

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

How Can A Strategy Build For A Mobile Application


In an expanding digitalized world where everything is becoming smart businesses cannot afford to lag behind in mobile technology. Planning for building and developing a mobile application for your business will help you stand out and also gain a valuable competitive advantage for the future. This is not just a baseline plan but an important strategic plan for company growth needs continuation. 


There are a few steps you need to follow to build your Mobile App Development Strategy

Analysis and Evaluation

The mobile application is not built for organization use only. The development must be done in the context of the organization and end-user. 

Basic Guidelines

You should look at the strategy of your business, the main measure for its performance, and the main goal you set for upcoming years. This helps to achieve the set levels of revenue and profits fro the coming years.       

From where to start

Users expect a mobile app to give much more than a website, as they are more connected to applications. They install them on their smartphone and set them up. Trace the path of your end-user how the mobile application can be a useful tool through which they can communicate with you easily. It can fill the communication gap and make it more effective. Through the mobile application, the company helps its users achieve their goals.

Competition Analysis

Through this, you can find out what your competitors are doing well and where they are lacking so that you can determine your position in the market. 

SWOT Analysis

You have to analyze the strength, weakness, opportunities, and threats that exist in the market. This will have an effect on the planning, operation, and development of mobile applications. The factors on which analysis is done include business process, pricing, purchasing power, brand reputation, market trends, and changes in the lifestyle of the customer.

Strategy Defining

In this process, you need to generate an idea, plan the resources used for developing, and determining the set of technologies that will use to develop the application. The main points are mentioned below

Idea Planning

The idea must be clear, realistic, original, Inspiring, and feasible according to the resource and time you have. Keep the user in mind and think about what will be most useful for them.

Build the Workplan

After defining the idea break it down into components to work on. In the software field, this is known as a road map which is a visual representation of the task need to be done. His is basically a schedule you need to follow. 

Define Resources and Budget

Define the capital and operating cost for the mobile application. This is best to create a multi-year budget. According to that define the resources you will use to develop the application.

Specify Your Technology Need

It is important to specify the technology you used for the development and operation of the mobile application. It is important to define the technical requirement for an application such as screen loading time. Consider integrating the application with the existing CRM. Decide the way you will secure your application. Support can depend on Mobile Application Developer.


Planning a strategy for project development and implementation

For the previous two mentioned mobile strategy digital consultant is the plus point. This becomes more desirable when business is not having any experience in this domain. The project developing strategy must depend on.

User Scenario

This will be defining how a user will be beneficial to the mobile application. Here you should be mentioning a specific solution to a problem you will offer.

Identify Your Key Performance Indicator

The key performance indicator can be divided into two categories 

Business Indicator

  • Market share
  • Revenue
  • Reducing the cost of market and customer Service


Mobile Application Indicator

  • Number of new users
  • Number of active users
  • Level of usage
  • Ratings

Technology To Be Used 

The question arises about which technology to use Native or Hybrid. Experts recommend the native applications. This offers the best user experience, full integration with the functionalities, and a high level of security. 

Hiring a Developer

If you already working with the Mobile App Development Company, you can consult them. This will save your time and efforts. It is very important to develop an excellent level of communication with the organization. 

If you are looking for a strategy for the mobile application for your business, consult our experienced team for planning and developing just by Get in Touch.

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Yii or Laravel: Choose The Best PHP Framework

PHP is the most popular server-side programming language. The language is versatile and simple. Using the PHP framework web development has become a way faster and easier with robust features. It helps the developers to develop a complex website most simply. This helps in saving time, efforts. The PHP framework can bring agility and scalability in the process. The maintenance of code is best easier in the frameworks and is secure.Nearly 75% of websites including Facebook, Wikipedia use PHP; as programming language.

There are approximately eight popular PHP frameworks today present in the market, Yii and Laravel tend to make a hard choice to choose with.

About Yii

The Yii framework  developed in 2008. After the development, it has gone under many modification processes to release its updated version Yii 2.0. The best function of the Yii 2.0 is its code generator tool named as Gii. This ensures to fulfill every requirement of a modern web app development. The framework was developed for secure and high-performance app development. This framework uses its Composer Dependency Manager to handle the installation and its JQuery integration helps in faster coding for front end development.

It is used in scaffolding for code generation. It is a full-stack framework providing solutions for RESTful APIs, Active Record for No SQL database, and multi-level caching. Yii 2.0 comes with some extraordinary features including superior flexibility, best security codes, rapid development time, easy installation, and many more. Its configuration helps to deliver a high-speed development process. Yii is the best option for creative and commercial applications.  

Pros at Glimpse

  • Extremely Flexible
  • Installed Easily
  • Guarantee Short Rapid Development Time
  • Best for Large, Complex Apps
  • Best Fitted for Highly Secured App

Cons at Glimpse

  • Need Organized Planning
  • Not have Built-in Allowances

We are a Best Yii Outsourcing Company fully dedicated to providing the best Yii development services to a number of companies worldwide. We recommend Yii technology to clients creating high secured websites. 

About Laravel

Laravel is the best-suited framework for web artisans have elegant and superb syntax. Laravel was first released in 2011. This framework simplifies web development by handling authentication, sessions, routing, and the caching process. This also facilitates unit testing and has a fast & lightweight templating engine called Blade. With its database agnostic migrations and schema builder, one can easily sync all the work in the sync. The ORM and routing allow developers to develop modern applications with absolute perfections. 

Pros at Glimpse

  • Flexibility
  • Established Easily
  • Short Development Time
  • Best for Complicated Apps
  • Fit for High secure Apps

Cons at Glimpse

  • Don’t Allow Shared Hosting
  • Database Queries

We provide Best Laravel Development Service for a large and complex website. We recommend the Laravel technology to clients with complex requirements. 

It is a very tough decision to choose from any of them as they have their pros and cons. Yii recognized for its high-end features and Laravel is on-demand for its effectiveness. 

Different Parameters on which they are differentiated

Templating Engines

The Templating Engines provide better functionality in the application. Laravel has an exceptional templating engine called Blade; this allows showing code in the view. This engine helps in building an excellent layout with minimized performance overheads and Yii does not have any third-party engine default installed. The developers can select the engine according to requirements.


The framework functionality gets enhanced using extensions. The Laravel libraries include 9000+ extensions and Yii includes 2800 extensions.


Yii and Laravel provide a full-stack development procedure. They have their own strength and weakness. They are best in their functionality. The selection of the framework depends on the requirements of the developer.